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Jon Toogood Vocals, Guitar
Karl Kippenberger Bass Guitar
Phil Knight Guitar
Tom Larkin Drums
Welcome to Shihad Wiki
1,409 articles about Shihad, written by 27 hard working 'had fans

Shihad Wiki is the biggest resource of information on the internet for the NZ band Shihad.

This website was started in March 2007 and has steadily grown into a monster of a site.

This site features information on past concerts, their discography, tabs, history and a whole lot more of history revolving around the band.

Contact Us? Want to help contribute? Got some old cuttings/recordings let us know! (shihadwiki at


End Of Days are here.... The world will cease to exist as we know it after March the 15th.


Featured Bootleg

Cover Art

Venue Town Hall

Date 2 March 2000

Location Wellington

Country New Zealand

MP3 Download

Flac Download

  1. Interconnector (FLAC Audio)
  2. The General Electric (FLAC Audio)
  3. Wait And See (FLAC Audio)
  4. Thin White Line (FLAC Audio)
  5. Pacifier (FLAC Audio)
  6. My Minds Sedate (FLAC Audio)
  7. Debs Night Out (FLAC Audio)
  8. You Again (FLAC Audio)
  9. Only Time (FLAC Audio)
  10. La La Land (FLAC Audio)
  11. Sport And Religion (FLAC Audio)
  12. Home Again (FLAC Audio)
  13. Gimme Gimme (FLAC Audio)

TXT File Info (Info)

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