Gig 20021001
Venue | Terminus Hotel |
Date | 1 October 2002 |
Location | Albury, NSW |
Country | Australia |
Number of songs | ?? |
Support | Betchadupa |
Event start | ?? |
Capacity | ?? |
Ticket price | ?? |
Sold out? | ?? |
Set List
Albury/Wodonga - Woodie!
So who cares about Albury/Wodonga? We fuckin' do!!!!!!! We've got a small pub, 2 awesome bands and a PA that is unnecessarily powerful in front of the most energetic Tuesday night crowd you have ever seen - what do you think happens? The stage is really tight and Jon spends most of his time climbing the speaker stacks and jumping into the crowd - Karl is hopping across the front row like the infected rat-chicken he is and Phil makes sure the lights are illuminating his hair perfectly. As for me and my part in this celebration of thangs rock 'n' roll - I break sticks, destroy drumskins and bend cymbals - all in a days work! To tell you the truth - both Jon and I have been fairly ill before the show - that's why we're so pleased that it went so well tonight - sore throats are easily forgotten in the face of smiling alburians who cut loose at every given opportunity - oorsome!
I really appreciated Albury - everyone there was really friendly and we had one of my fave shows of the tour - thanks to everyone who came!!!
Tom - 'Fier.
Betchadupa request spot tonight - 'Ghost from the past' (I forgot how to play the middle bit - Oh dear......)
Rat chicken smell index - 8.7 (Tom)