Gig 20030327 Journal

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Source: (circa 03)

Date Published: Unsure

Who: Shihad.

Where: Los Angeles, CA, USA

When: 27 March 2003

Reviewed by: Shihad (Jon Toogood)

Finally get to play the House of Blues on Sunset in L.A. have always wanted to play here since I saw that Motorhead played there once. we are all determined to make it a fucking killer after having, in my opinion, a good but not great show at the Fillmore in San Fran the night before. we also wanna see if we can disprove the theory that you can't get an L.A. crowd to dance 'cause of being too spoilt. we blew that one outta the water as soon as the riff to Bullitproof kicked in. famous people in the crowd include Cameron Diaz (she goes out with Jared Leto, the singer of 30 Seconds to Mars who are also playing tonight and a very nice bunch of lads they are to). famous people are always shorter in real life. why is that? have discovered that jumping off the top of Karl's 8 by 10 bass speaker box is much more exciting (and higher) than jumping off my guitar rig but I now have bruises all down my shins and my legs ache. the things we do for rock. after the show we caught up with the guys who made the Pacifier album with us from Pulse studios and had a good laugh. came to the conclusion that AC/DC's 'Highway to Hell' album is better and more vital than most of the stuff that you hear on the radio, the number of drinks people buy you after a great show is way more than when you don't and that it should be compulsory for people who decide to send people off to war should send their own children just to make sure they really believe in what they're doing before going ahead with sending other peoples children to do their dirty work. in fact they should send themselves. music can still make me feel good.
