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1,400 articles about Shihad, written by 27 hard working 'had fans
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Jon Toogood (Vocals, Guitar)
Phil Knight (Guitar, Backing Vocals)
Karl Kippenberger (Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals)
Tom Larkin (Drums, Backing Vocals)
Shihad Wiki

Shihad Wiki is the biggest resource of information on the internet for the NZ band Shihad. This website was started in March 2007 and has steadily grown into a monster of a site. This site features information on past concerts, their discography, tabs, history and a whole lot more of history revolving around the band.

If you would like to help out and get an account so you can help edit the site email Karit and he will sort you out with an account and what not. Why do you need and account to edit? isn't this a wiki? Well having people sign up is in hope to stop vandalism and spamming.

There is more that we would like to do to make this site better and their there a great Team making this happen. If you like the site and want to help out in a different way have a read of this.


24 April 2008 - NZ, UK & US Tour rumors + Biography

In a recent article on Jon and Karl have talked about plans for touring NZ in winter, a UK tour is on the cards and that they'll only look at playing US shows if someone else gets elected into parliament. Apparently there is also a biograpghy on the way, nothing was said as to when this will be released.


21 April 2008 - Beautiful Machine Aussie tour announced

Shihad will be touring some main centres of Australia throughout June. Click the below dates for more info.

21 April 2008 - Beautiful Machine released!

Beautiful Machine was released in New Zealand today! The lyrics have all been corrected on the site, so if you don't have the album yet, feel free to check out the songs off of the Beautiful Machine album to see what our favourite lads are now singing about. Don't forget to get your hands on a copy of the Limited Edition release of the album too, for the bonus disk!

18 April 2008 - Lyrics & 'Had Squad

We have got some of the lyrics for the new songs up on the Beautiful Machine page which you can study up before singing them all on Monday.

Also we would like to make note that there is now a MySpace page for the 'Had Squad street team, join up if you would like to be apart of promoting the band in greater depth.

17 April 2008 - Vampires to be second single

Shihad record label have confirmed that Vampires will be the second single off this album.

17 April 2008 - Beautiful Machine iTunes release

The iTunes release will feature 3 new tracks that are not being released in anyway other then on iTunes.
The tracks are:

  1. Violence + Bloodshed
  2. Easy Life Romance
  3. No Religion (Getting Nowhere Fast)

This will be available to download from next week.

11 April 2008 - NZ Ltd Edition Special Order

Marbecks online store is offering for a very limited time the chance to order the 2CD Digipak Beautiful Machine. This comes with a free T-Shirt.

10 April 2008 - 'Had to play HiFi

Shihad will be playing at the Hifi Bar in Melbourne on the 14th of June. We are unsure if there is a tour surrounding this or if its a one off. Tickets for this gig go on sale on April 28.

Click here for up to date details.

7 April 2008 - Vodafone Homegrown Sells Out

Yes, thats right unfortunately Vodafone Homegrown, in Wellington this month has now sold out. So for those who have missed out on tickets, take out your life savings and be prepared to fork out big bucks on Trade Me. C4 is giving away VIP passes, so head over there and see if you can win one.

6 April 2008 - Aussie Release Date Slips

The Beautiful Machine release in Aussie has slipped to 16 May. NZ is still on track for 21 April. Speculation is that there is a delay in getting a single release to help the Aussie sales. In NZ Shihad will sell single or not so chances are that is why the NZ date is still the same.

4 April 2008 - Violence + Bloodshed!

You can now listen to another new song, Violence + Bloodshed. Although this is not featuring on any of the new releases at this stage, it was written whilst Beautiful Machine was. Check it out, its pretty cool.

3 April 2008 - Rip It Up gives 4.5/5

I guess it's a bit hard to review an album from a band that you're a huge fan of because it's always going to be slightly biased. But many time a band's fans can also be their their harshest critics. Not so for this record from Shihad because once again as they have done time and time before, they have completely re-invented their sound. This is why they are this country;s best band and also one of the greatest groups in the world today. There's been a mixed reaction to Beautiful Machine's first single, ' One Will Hear The Other' . Maybe it's due to their last effort Love Is The New Hate being quite a dark and heavy piece of work and certain fans expecting something in similar vein. But what you've got there is an amazingly crafted melodically driven album album, which displays Shihad for the competent and versatile group they are. I think the record will surprise many in a good way as some tracks showcase a side that we haven't yet seen from Shihad. The title track ' Beautiful Machine' is one of my favorite songs on the album. With the keys is has flickers of the Who's 'Baba O'Rielly', ' Count It Up', which you've probably become familiar with, is a short sharp rip-snorter of a rock track that will suit just nicely in a smelly club late at night. They've even (from memory) for the first time ever incorporated a string arrangement in the beautiful ' Waiting Around For God'. There are not many outfits that can go from songs like ' You Again' and ' All The Young Fascists' to a ballad like ' Waiting Around For God'. That thought made me appreciate a band that don't have just the one trick like so many now days. Shihad have a whole fucking bag of them. I could just talk though every track on Beautiful Machine but it may start to get a bit laborious. I will say though keep an eye out for ' When You Coming Home?' which i think may become the favorite of many. Rumour also has it there's a nationwide tour in the works for later this year. I'll see you there.

Reviewer - Jono Pyror for Rip It Up Magazine

For this article see the April/May issue of Rip It Up - In stores now, there is also a lovely Beautiful Machine ad, which you can cut out and put in your bathroom.

In other news, we previously mentioned that Count It Up will be the next single off Beautiful Machine, this is incorrect, it is only getting a small amount of radio play, and will not be released in any way at this stage.

28 March 2008 - Conformation of Release Dates

Shihad's MySpace page now states that Beautiful Machine is now to be released on the 21st of April in New Zealand and the 26th of April in Australia. It also appears that Beautiful Machine will have a UK and Holland release, speculated rumor of the release for that is currently 28th of April.

22 March 2008 - Release Date Made Earlier?

Shihad's MySpace page states that Beautiful Machine is now to be released on the 21st of April, 5 days earlier then originally stated. Both versions of cover art have now been released, looks like they gave the guys from Tool a ring, but all looks good.

Beautiful Machine Special Signed Edition Pre Order (Limited Time Only)

JB Hi-Fi online store is taking pre-orders for the limited edition of Beautiful Machine which features a second disc of 6 B-Sides and currently, JB Hi-Fi are selling this signed by the band for only AU$19.99. This will sell out quickly we guess so get in quick!

JB Hi-Fi - Beautiful Machine Special Edition

Beautiful Machine Release Date Announced

Shihad have set their release date for the new album, it will hit stores in New Zealand and Australia on the 26th of April, the same day as they play Home Grown Festival in Wellington.

Vote for One Will Hear the Other in AU

Request or Vote for Shihad's " One Will Hear the Other" using the links below:

Triple J Super Request
JTV Video Requests (Hottest 20)
Nova 969 Sydney
Nova 100 Melbourne
Nova 106.9 Brisbane
Nova 93.7 Perth
Nova 91.9 Adelaide
Hot 30
Channel V What U Want Vid Requests

Tour Dates
Random Fact Of The Week

This week in history Shihad released its 7th album, Beautiful Machine.

Best Buy Of The Week

Killjoy Tour T-shirt 1995

Pacifier = Shihad Poster

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