Gig 20021205

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Venue Prince Of Wales
Date 05 December 2002
Location St Kilda, VIC
Country Australia
Number of songs ??
Support Superheist & Brace
Event start
Capacity ??
Ticket price ??
Sold out? ??

Set List



Gig Review

We walked in to the POW to hear pure noise, sound levels so high you couldn’t hear the music (if there was any) it was just a wash of high pitched screams as Brace finished their set.

Then Superheist. Most defiantly one of the ‘Kings of Rock’ as this tour was labeled they have a strong stage presence to match their music. Heavy but musical the levels were set well so you could hear the singer and hear the music without being overwhelmed. The band put on a high energy show which infected the crowd who moshed along.

Pacifier. These boys are the ultimate professionals, sound levels are always perfect, singer always interacts well with the crowd seeming to read their mood and providing the right comments at the right time. Playing mostly stuff from their new album it was obvious you were watching a band that deserves the label of ‘super band to see live’. They pumped the crowd into being caught up in the music, indicating which songs were coming up by their comments before starting, and playing along with the mood.

As usual crowds always yell our songs they want to hear, at one point the singer decided to inform us that they do not stray from the setlist not even for a Metallica cover – they then promptly broke into a classic Metallica riff…

Towards the end one frequent crowd surfer decided to head for the stage, the singer tried to tell him no, the surfer hit the monitor head first stood up and said ‘Pacifier rock’ this pretty much summed up the night.




