Gig 20030222 Journal

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Source: (circa 03)

Date Published: Unsure

Who: Shihad.

Where: New York City, NY

When: 22 February 2003

Reviewed by: Shihad

So here's the show that was cancelled because of the snow - doesn't stop us from freezing our asses off - honestly - it just doesn't this consistantly cold in any of our cities back home! The date shift means It's also the night before the Grammys in NYC and seeing that we're signed to Arista we were hoping to be invited to Whitney's pre show party - But I guess we'll just have to buy our own tonight.

The Irving plaza is a really cool venue - it's smaller than I imagined it to be, but it has that old school theatre vibe that just rules - We feel totally at home despite the fact that this is 'New York' and we're supposed to be 'concentrating' on just being 'relaxed' to avoid the 'pressure' because NYC performances are soooooooo 'Important'. It feels like another show. The funny thing is that after all these years of playing in NYC we have never done a show to normal music fans and we are chomping at the bit to get out there and play - just glad to do it for real.

The Show was awesome - NYC audiences have that whole - 'Oh yeah show us what your made of' vibe that all the best and worst cities seem to have but the beauty of the whole thing is watching those hard jaded faces light up with the realization that they just didn't expect to see this kind of thing and by the end of the show they carried Jon two metres from the mixing desk. It was the shiznit.

After the show we said Hi/Bye to all our friends and family, Watched the singer from Blindside jump into the crowd from 10 feet up and then race out the door to head off to the next show, hit a diner for some shit food, fight with jon over who gets the free KISS lunchbox and finally change our brand new clean small but exeeedingly cool bus (well It is black.......) that doesn't work - to a huge fuck off enormo rig that smells like puke and detergent, decorated in a las vegas cheeze stylee (Wooo - strip lights that change colour in our transport.) - Rock 'n' fuck 'n Roll.

Journal from the postponed concert.

Mon 17th Feb 2003

Well you wake up and its all white outside, you turn the tele on and they are calling it BLIZZARD 2003. Yes thats right, its East Coasts worst winter since '96 and we are in the middle of it. All i can think of is the sunny weather back in Oz during the BDO tour... So we hop in the bus and reluctantly make our way to NYC for soundcheck. I have never seen the roads so dead, anyone in their right mind are staying home, not us though. Make it to the gig after seeing people skiing down Broadway, it was so surreal, Manhatten looks like a Sinatra Musical set. We find out at the show's been postponed, so we get back on the bus and make our way south to Washington DC for the Tuesday show. Talk about a drive that just goes on and on, See a few accidents, get stuck behind Mr Plough and trucks that run out of petrol. Go to a diner in the middle of nowhere and travel some more. Seven hours later we hit Washington and realise where infact we are. WOW, There's the White House, So weird to be that close to that building, DC looks darn pretty with all the snow, but we end up helping people getting their cars out of snow so we can get to the gig. Arrive at the 9:30 Club after 8 hours on the road and Chris our Tour Manager knows the people there, so we get looked after in the basement bar with a few vodka's, now i know why its a russian drink, cause it warms the cockles of yer heart! Have a peep in the venue and can see why this place got voted best Rock Club in the USA. Look forward to show tomorrow, after all, this is the home of Fugazi. x Karl