Gig 20030223 Journal

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Source: (circa 03)

Date Published: Unsure

Who: Shihad.

Where: Rochester, NY, USA

When: 23 Febuary 2003.

Reviewed by: Shihad.

Water Street Music Hall - Rochester, New York.

Another Fuckin Blizzard kicks in!!! I'm so over snow right now - Just give me some sun - please - I'm tired of weather for goths - it's just painful, wet and cold.

Rochester is a very bleak looking city - The snow seemed to have covered over the town's good looks today (Bitch, bitch, moan, moan - I'm going off) AND the venue is as warm as a fridge - which is toasty in comparison to the temperature outside.

Todays highlight for me is the slow realisation that there are several Americans out here who really oppose going to war with Iraq and feel really strongly about what is happening in other countries at the moment - It is heartning - and their voices are getting louder and louder in the media - which is in sharp contrast to how it was even 3 weeks ago - Maybe we don't have to see WW III just yet. I'm hoping. If anybody out there wants to get their shit across to the American public about the war in Iraq - Go to and find somewhere to post on their online polls - these things get picked up and broadcasted to millions of people who can stop it - Public opinion in the US is the most powerful deterent there is.

Depswa has canceled their appearance tonight due to a blown tire so we have to go on early - Funny though - I miss having those guys around. The show is good - but people are very cold (Soooooooo cold!) and it's a little harder to get 'em all bouncing off the walls because of it - That said - we had a great time anyways - meet some good people afterwards - talked some shit and moved on.

The road food is getting to me - I need vegetables as well as world peace.