Gig 20030224 Journal

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Source: (circa 03)

Date Published: Unsure

Who: Shihad.

Where: Sydney, NSW, AU

When: 24 January 2003.

Reviewed by: Shihad. (Tom)

We got up to Sydney a day early to do some quick promo - First of all was channel V at the fox studios complex - we arrived as jimmy eat world were blasting into a live version of 'the middle' sounded really tight - just like they spent a lot of time in the rehearsal rooms and maybe didn't get out much or something. Had some lunch and were joined by Mark and Rose - two of our staunch Sydney fans. Good to see them.

The interview was fine - Jabba looked after the proceedings and he's always the bomb. However my fave part of the whole thing was that Jon and I got meet mr X to the Z - XZIBIT in the green room - Really nice guy and one the bands im most looking forward to seeing tomorrow.

After V we popped over to triple M and did all sorts of interviews - One for days one for nights one for when you are feeling blue one for when your sniffing glue.