Gig 20030303 Journal

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Source: (circa 03)

Date Published: Unsure

Who: Shihad.

Where: Grand Rapids, MI, USA

When: 3 March 2003

Reviewed by: Shihad

This was the show in the big hall with not that many people around!! You've got to hit one of those shows once in a while - Character building you see - but the weirdest thing was the waitress from a mexican resturant from the night before who insisted on dancing like britany spears and then shakira before taking my order - Then she freaked out because I'm in a band and ran aorund the resturant going 'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god' and THEN asked what band I was in. honestly this place can get really weird at times. She gave me free food though - always grateful for that.

She turned up to the show too - freaked the fuck out of everyone.