Gig 20030318 Journal

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Source: (circa 03)

Date Published: Unsure

Who: Shihad.

Where: Boulder, CO, USA

When: 18 March 2003

Reviewed by: Shihad (Jon Toogood)

Today Boulder suffered from the 2nd biggest snowfall in its recorded history. this means that it is impossible for people to drive anywhere (in fact you could be issued a ticket for doing so). great. before we go on we decide, even though the audience is made up of mostly the people who work at the Fox Theatre, not to waste such an awesome venue (which it certainly is) and proceed to tear the place apart. highlights included a rip-roaring version of AC/DC's "Riff Raff" which we get Steve, the merch guy, to sing. what a set of lungs! also being able to play in front of the PA and listen to what we actually aound like out front was a whole lot of fun. Chris Raughley, our sound guy, makes my guitar sound like god! oh yeah. to the people who were brave enough to make it, fuckin' cheers. and to all the people who work at the Fox - you guys rule and made what should have been a pretty dismal night into a very memorable and fun one!!! now, to see if we can get out of Boulder...
