Gig 20030511 Journal

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Source: (circa 03)

Date Published: Unsure

Who: Shihad.

Where: Jack Rabbit's - Jacksonville, FL, USA

When: 11 May 2003

Reviewed by: Shihad (Phil Knight)

The gig got canceled today because Stereomud had a blow-out on there bus or something. We all slept in ridiculously late and then went and had some strange looking mexican food for dinner (I want my Super Tacos!). Later I decided to go on one of my strange late night walks to a gas station to get snacks. We're staying at a dodgy little motel in the middle of nowhere and I had to walk a mile down the road to the BP station. The doors were locked and I had to order through one of those late night windows where they have to go and get what you want and then you have to feel guilty when you have to send them back because they picked the wrong brand of yogurt-coated granola bar. As soon as I got to the window the funny old lady that was serving inside asked me, "Yes. What do you want. Do you know what you want?" I replied "I don't know yet because I have to look through the window" then she said "What are you doing walking the streets at 3 o'clock if you don't know what you want?. Young man like you." I thought that was hilarious. She got my stuff and said "It's dangerous round here." "I'm staying down the street at the motel", I said. She said "Even here, people get killed. Be careful." I thanked her and went on my merry way. Anyway, that's the most interesting thing that happened to day.