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Shihad Wiki is the biggest resource of information on the internet for the NZ band Shihad. This website was started in March 2007 and has steadily grown into a monster of a site. This site features information on past concerts, their discography, tabs, history and a whole lot more of history revolving around the band. If you would like to help out and get an account so you can help edit the site email sign up AT ( (which is and you will be sorted out with an account and whatnot. Why do you need and account to edit? Isn't this a wiki? Well having people sign up is in hope to stop vandalism and spamming. If you have links, photos, set lists, info, etc drop them to submissions AT ( (which is and we can put them up here for all to share. There is more that we would like to do to make this site better and there's a great Team making this happen. If you like the site and want to help out in a different way have a read of this.